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Forum Rules.

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Forum Rules. Empty Forum Rules.

Posts containing illegal or distasteful content are prohibited. This includes pornography, nudity or posting copyrighted material without the proper attribution. This includes avatars also.

Respect for our members' race, creed and sexual orientation will be held to strict compliance. Any inflammatory comments made about any of these issues will be dealt with swiftly.

Trolling or flaming posts will not be tolerated. Thread bumping is prohibited.

Advertisements in posts (spam) or signature lines are not allowed unless given permission by site admin. This includes links to personal websites and especially blogs. If you would like to advertise your site or blog--ask first. Links to threads on this site are fine.

Plagiarism is prohibited. No warning will be given in the case of a member found stealing others' work. A permanent ban will be enforced.

Use some common sense when making your signature. If it takes up more space than a decent sized post, it will be edited by administration.

Offsite links. Use some common sense here. If something newsworthy is happening and you feel like making a comment with a link, that's fine.

Please don't post images unless they are relevant to the thread.

Only one account per member. If anyone is found creating aliases a ban will be enforced. Also, don't let anyone else use your account.

Swearing must be kept to a minimum and never used towards another member. Very few words have been filtered by admin, so please, let's keep it that way.

Please don't ask for help with school assignments. You must do your own work. Any attempts at cheating will result in an infraction.

This is an English speaking site. Please keep all posts in English.

Posts : 836
Age : 49
Location : Missouri
Joined : 2009-02-08


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